IO Metadata

When configuring Task through the frontend, each input and output has data associated with it. This data describes the data type sent or received on the topic.

The IO metadata can also be used to automatically configure tasks by transfering the metadata into the tasks config when connecting an input. This also works in reverse, by transferring config data to the IO data.

How the IO metadata is handled is dependent on the configurator used for a task. Since configurators are customizable, the bahavior is not strict. As long as the configurator sets the topic_id of its input, it will be connected.

There are some standards.


When comparing IO metadata for compatibility the follwing fields are generally ignored:

  • label
  • key
  • topic_id

field names / values

  • type : "ts" | "id" Specifies if the messages on this IO have either the field timestamp or id. Used for synchronization.
  • content: "video" | "audio" | "number" | "text" | any
  • codec: "raw" | [audio codecs] | [video codecs] | any codec used for contents
  • width: int width of video or image
  • height: int height of video or image
  • rate: int sample/frame/message rate per second
  • sample_format: str the sample format for audio data
  • channels: int the amount of channels for audio data
  • pixel_format: str the pixel format for video data

Mapping of IO Data

When using the standard configurator or the multitrack configurator, config fields can be mapped to IO fields. This is done using an input_config_map or an output_config_map.

Inputs have unique keys that are used for mapping, which results in the following type for a

input_config_map: { [input_key]: { [config_field]: [input_field] } }

Since outputs don’t have keys, they are selected by index. This is done by creating an array entry for each output, or setting the entry to None. Each entry in the output_config_map should look like this:

output_config_map_entry: { [config_field]: [input_field] } | None

Functional Tasks

In functional tasks you can specify the IO metadata and IO map by using the Annotated type from typing.

Type template: Annotated[type, default_io, io_map].

The type is the actual python type like int.

default_io is the default IO data for the input or output as a dict of key value pairs.

io_map is the same thing as output_config_map_entry, a dict mapping config fields to input/output fields.

See examples/ for more information.