
Codec Options

The following is a subset of the available codec options.

  • thread_count: Number of threads to use for encoding/decoding.
    • Alias: thread_count, threads
  • bit_rate: Target bitrate for the encoded video.
    • Alias: bit_rate, bitrate, br
  • bit_rate_tolerance: Tolerance for bitrate deviation.
    • Alias: bit_rate_tolerance, bitrate_tolerance, bitratetolerance, brt
  • max_bit_rate: Maximum bitrate
    • Alias: max_bit_rate, max_bitrate, maxbitrate, mbr
  • thread_type: Codec profile
    • Alias: thread_type
    • Values: NONE, FRAME, SLICE, AUTO
  • profile: Codec profile
    • Alias: profile, p